Mohamed Adam, MD

Asst Professor in Residence

ASO Visual Abstract: Predicting Severe Complications from Cytoreductive Surgery with Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy-A Data-Driven, Machine Learning Approach to Augment Clinical Judgement.

Annals of surgical oncology

Adam MA, Zhou H, Byrd J, Greenberg AL, Kelly YM, Hall L, Jones HL, Pingpank JF, Lipton ZC, Bartlett DL, Choudry HM

Predicting Severe Complications from Cytoreductive Surgery with Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy: A Data-Driven, Machine Learning Approach to Augment Clinical Judgment.

Annals of surgical oncology

Adam MA, Zhou H, Byrd J, Greenberg AL, Kelly YM, Hall L, Jones HL, Pingpank JF, Lipton ZC, Bartlett DL, Choudry HM

Neoadjuvant Therapy Versus Upfront Resection for Nonpancreatic Periampullary Adenocarcinoma.

Annals of surgical oncology

Adam MA, Glencer A, AlMasri S, Winters S, Bahary N, Singhi A, Lee KK, Paniccia A, Zureikat AH

ASO Author Reflections: Neoadjuvant Therapy for Nonpancreatic Periampullary Adenocarcinoma.

Annals of surgical oncology

Adam MA, Glencer AC, Zureikat AH