Sophia Hernandez, MAS, MD

Resident Physician
+1 415 476-1239

Sophia Hernandez, M.D. is a general surgery resident with the UCSF Department of Surgery. She is completing her dedicated research years as a T32 Surgical Oncology Research Fellow in the Maker lab where she is developing novel immunotherapies and delivery systems for the treatment of colorectal liver metastasis. She completed her undergraduate studies at California State University, Fullerton where she earned a degree in Biological Science. She continued her education at UCSF, where she obtained her medical degree and a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Clinical Research with a focus on Data Science.

Dr. Hernandez has a strong foundation in translational research, data science, and clinical research. As an undergraduate, she was awarded the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) Bridges to Stem Cell Research Award where she utilized CRISPR/Cas9 technology to differentiate human embryonic stem cells. During her medical training, she was awarded the UCSF Summer Explore Scholar Grant to study fetal immune cell activation in preterm labor under the mentorship of Dr. Tippi Mackenzie. Additionally, as a medical student she obtained NIH funding as a TL-1 Medical Student Research Fellow to develop a predictive model to evaluate the malignant potential of pancreatic cystic neoplasms using radiomic features and cyst fluid analytes under the mentorship of Dr. Kimberly Kirkwood.

Dr. Hernandez aims to integrate her surgical training with her passion for translational research and clinical trials as an academic surgical oncologist.


Increasing the use of language-concordant discharge instructions in general surgery: A resident-led quality improvement initiative.


Baskin AS, Romero-Hernandez F, Trang K, Cevallos J, Hernandez S, Colley A, Record H, Dao J, Soriano I, Bongiovanni T, Wick E

Implementation, evaluation, and modification of a near-peer learning group in graduate surgical education.

American journal of surgery

Conroy PC, Mohamedaly S, Karimzada M, Brian R, Im C, Hernandez S, Roman S, Hirose K, Mukhtar R, Kirkwood K, O'Sullivan P, Alseidi A

Accurate Identification of Mucinous Pancreatic Cystic Lesions Using Small-Volume Analytes.

The Journal of surgical research

Caiazza F, Conroy PC, Ivry SL, York T, Lin J, Hernandez S, Hoffmann TJ, Francis SS, Park WG, Yip-Schneider MT, Schmidt CM, Brand R, Craik CS, Kirkwood K

The Association of Limited English Proficiency With Morbidity and Mortality After Trauma.

The Journal of surgical research

Castro MRH, Schwartz H, Hernandez S, Calthorpe L, Fernández A, Stein D, Mackersie RC, Menza R, Bongiovanni T

Association of Race/Ethnicity With Substance Use Testing After Trauma: A Cross-Sectional Study.

The Journal of surgical research

Hernandez S, Menza R, Schwartz H, Ledesma Y, Stein DM, Mackersie R, Bongiovanni T

Third year medical student knowledge gaps after a virtual surgical rotation.

American journal of surgery

Hernandez S, Song S, Nnamani Silva ON, Anderson C, Kim AS, Campbell AR, Kim EH, Alseidi A, Wick EC, Sosa JA, Gosnell J, Lin MYC, Roman SA

Comparison of advanced techniques for local excision of rectal lesions: a case series.

BMC surgery

Schwab ME, Hernandez S, Watanaskul S, Chern H, Varma M, Sarin A

Screening for Primary Aldosteronism is Underutilized in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

The American journal of medicine

Conroy PC, Hernandez S, Graves CE, Menut KC, Pearlstein S, Liu C, Shen WT, Gosnell J, Sosa JA, Roman S, Duh QY, Suh I

Advocating for a New Residency Application Process: A Student Perspective.

Journal of surgical education

Badiee RK, Hernandez S, Valdez JJ, NnamaniSilva ON, Campbell AR, Alseidi AA

Bursting the Hidden Curriculum Bubble: A Surgical Near-Peer Mentorship Pilot Program for URM Medical Students.

Journal of surgical education

Hernandez S, Nnamani Silva ON, Conroy P, Weiser L, Thompson A, Mohamedaly S, Coe TM, Alseidi A, Campbell AR, Sosa JA, Gosnell J, Lin MYC, Roman SA

Evidence-based Guidelines on the Use of Virtual Surgical Education Pertaining to the Domains of Cognition and Curriculum, Psychomotor Skills Training, and Faculty Development and Mentorship.

Annals of surgery

Park KM, Rashidian N, Anderson C, Brian R, Calthorpe LM, Gee D, Hernandez S, Lau J, Nepomnayshy D, Patel NM, Pei K, Reddy RM, Roman SA, Scott DJ, Alseidi A

Surviving traumatic injury, only to die of acute drug poisoning: Should trauma centers be a path for intervention?


Bongiovanni T, Hernandez S, Ledesma Y, Menza R, Wick E, Steinman M, Mackersie R, Stein DM, Coffin PO

Paying it forward: A pilot program for near-peer support for medical students during the surgery clerkship.

American journal of surgery

Weiser L, Nnamani Silva ON, Thompson A, Hernandez S, Kelly YM, Kim EH, Campbell AR, Sosa JA, Gosnell J, Alseidi A, Lin MYC, Roman SA

Patient Perceptions on Barriers and Facilitators to Accessing Low-acuity Surgery During COVID-19 Pandemic.

The Journal of surgical research

Johnson CL, Schwartz H, Greenberg A, Hernandez S, Nnamani Silva ON, Wong LE, Martins DB, Broering JM, Kumar SB, Bongiovanni T, Wick EC, Roman SA

Where Do We Go From Here? Assessing Medical Students' Surgery Clerkship Preparedness During COVID-19.

Journal of surgical education

Nnamani Silva ON, Hernandez S, Kim AS, Campbell AR, Kim EH, Alseidi A, Wick EC, Sosa JA, Gosnell J, Lin MYC, Roman SA

Near-Peer Learning During the Surgical Clerkship: A Way to Facilitate Learning After a 15-Month Preclinical Curriculum.

Journal of surgical education

Hernandez S, Nnamani Silva ON, Lin MYC, Kim EH, Sosa JA, Campbell AR, O'Sullivan PS, Roman SA

Surgery Clerkship Curriculum Changes at an Academic Institution during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Journal of surgical education

Nnamani Silva ON, Hernandez S, Kim EH, Kim AS, Gosnell J, Roman SA, Lin MYC

In vivo blunt-end cloning through CRISPR/Cas9-facilitated non-homologous end-joining.

Nucleic acids research

Geisinger JM, Turan S, Hernandez S, Spector LP, Calos MP

Manganese (Mn) oxidation increases intracellular Mn in Pseudomonas putida GB-1.

PloS one

Banh A, Chavez V, Doi J, Nguyen A, Hernandez S, Ha V, Jimenez P, Espinoza F, Johnson HA